Improve Your Website’s SEO by Easy Steps!!

2 Comments Web Development   (on 15-Jan-2016 04:11 AM)


New Year brings in new resolutions and at the same time a new motivation to look at your word with a new perspective. Here if you look for the best reasons then you need to see the SEO Strategies that really need to adhere or to run an altogether different frame for your best ways. You can go into the value of back links that are going to work for you and at the same time a technical audit to evaluate your present existence in the online marketing world. Here are some simple but very logical steps that you have to consider while overhauling your SEO practices.

Resolve the Penalization Issues of Your Website

It might be an algorithm change that led you to face a recent penalty. It might be due to some spam links to your website. The websites face many issues like the loading time errors, 404 page not found, pagination issues, and content duplication. But the most important thing is your quick action to fix the problem and remove the penalty from your website. You have to keep in close realization with what Google offers you as a reward or a penalty. If there is algorithm update and a penalty has risen then Google will send message to webmaster tools as if a certain page or the entire website has been penalized. So, you must be careful about that for better results.

Have a Technical Audit of Your Website

You have to have a technical audit as to know what the strong points of your website are and how you can improve it in different consequences. You can use website audit as to have a proper SEO Analysis and to know the spammy content to the back links at your website. You can fix the broken links, spam links, page loading error and the other issues that were not in limelight due to common phenomenon of on the go way.

See it for Useful or Harmful Back-links

When you are in a review of audit mode then you will find many things like the spammy back-links that are actually damaging your website’s image. You need to remove these links at earliest. You have to disavow those links as to let Google know that there is no further connection between your website and the ones you have discarded. If you keep it as a status quo then the SEO for your website will definitely be affected and you will face the worst consequences. You can consult your editors or use the Google’s tools to disavow the links in a proper manner.

Make a Proper Keyword Research for Further Progress in SEO

You have to look at the matrices of your own website and have a better research as what industry is actually doing. Try to go for the comparative search as to know the real keywords that are working for you. You can think of creating keyword that are localized and even long tail keywords are going to be in practice due to recent developments in Voice Search. Go for the competitor analysis and what kinds of keywords they are using. It will help you evaluate better things in a row for all the good reasons around.

Relevant and Engaging Content is of High Value from Now Onwards

It is really a master of concern to correct the usage of keywords and that the same times look at the interest that audience will carry in the existing content. It is really important to use engaging content as Google will be prioritizing it for better reasons of discourse and for changing its algorithms. Now all those website owners who are doing a typical kind of SEO stuffed content need to re-consider the fact that content is going to lead the market in the coming days. It is time to think about readers and trying best efforts to turn them into loyal customers in coming days ahead.


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Wajahat Hussain Wajahat Hussain   (on 06-Apr-2019 10:24 AM)
Hello Admin!
Thanks for the very interesting article it's help me a lot
I highly appreciate the content.Keep it up bro..