Much More JavaScript in SEO for Coming Years, Google’s John Mueller Predicts

[ Back to News Page ] Dated: 17-Oct-2018

When it comes to technical talk from professionals, Google’s very own John Mueller is a credible source. When you hear him saying that technical SEOs will meet more JavaScript in the years to come than they have come across in the past two or more decades of SEO, all of us SEO experts and industry leaders should brace for it.

Mueller also highlights how it is a great opportunity for SEOs who plan on advancing their skills and dig down deep into JavaScript coding that can help them achieve better things when it comes to SEO and search engine rankings as well. One of his Reddit threads that got a lot of attention regarding this JavaScript loading in SEO brings the question: “How much JavaScript do I need to know for SEO?”

This was a technical statement issued by Google themselves highlighting the fact that as JavaScript frameworks get more popular, SEOs will be required to have in-depth knowledge of it out of necessity and not out of interest anymore. Mueller also recommends the following for your JavaScript learning:

  • Getting detailed knowledge of how JavaScript works
  • Exploring in detail the connection between JavaScript and SEO
  • Exploring in detail where and how can JavaScript block SEO
  • Getting to know the effects of JavaScript on other search engines and clients in detail

Technical SEO service providers can add more value to their services by following these JavaScript connections and operations, says Mueller.

Difference Technical SEOs with JS Knowledge Can Bring

When a news like this comes from a Google big gun like John Mueller, there is no doubt it will be implemented no so far down the road. Technical SEOs with correct knowledge of JavaScript will only suffice with ones lacking that knowledge, falling behind in the race. Consider a client who comes to a technical SEO service providers and the SEO expert tells them that they would need to scrap all that there is on client’s website and build a static HTML site instead. Same client goes to a different technical SEO service provider who tells them they can work with the JavaScript framework already found on their website. Which one would you go for, no matter who you ask, we bet the selection process will always be influenced by technical SEO’s ability to adapt to client’s already operational frameworks rather than having them pay the expenses and wait the time for a new investment altogether.