Reshape Your Plan for PPC Keywords Cleanup At Right Times!

0 Comments PPC   (on 15-Mar-2016 04:43 AM)

PPC, SEO,PPC Ads Management

Suppose you are getting a real dimension for renewal of PPC Ads keywords according to the current trends and the seasonal demands as well. You need to cleanup your accounts and to search for the best things that are currently happening in this spring and coming summer season. If you are in real mood to refresh your digital marketing strategy then you need an overhauling of PPC keywords as well. You need to look for your ads, ad extensions and other things. But you need to start with PPC Keywords.

You Need to Clean Your Account structure  

Start cleaning up your account structure by examining your ad groups and campaigns. Analyze their performances and pause any that are under-performing or not bringing in value. This step will probably be your most arduous task, especially if you manage one or more large accounts. You have to examine your groups and campaigns. Then go for restructuring your account with organization of keywords according to themes, Compromise each group of keywords in a group. Search for the most use keywords and the ones that are overwith the passage of time.

Reorder Your PPC Keyword Lists


If you want to reorder your keywords then you have a cleanup session. Here you can go with a reason of finding the PPC keywords that are no ore in searches. If these kinds of keywords are carrying low impressions then you need to space out those inactive keywords that are not generating any sort of traffic for last 60 days. After removal of useless keywords search the competitor’s and test new keywords. Make new ad groups and if you see that your competitors are using some keywords that become popular. Try using similar ones or devise your very own keyword lists. With the addition of these keywords, you will definitely improvise the conversion rates as well as the CPA (Cost per Acquisition).

You Need to Pause or Eliminate the Season Based Keywords

When you are going through an overhauling process of PPC Keywords then you have to consider the fact as what is the current season. You need to understand and evaluate the importance of the kinds of upcoming events and how you will reshape your PPC Advertisements. Suppose winter is over and so is the Christmas or Valentine. Now you need to pause over such keywords for many months and focus on spring, summer and related terms.

You need to wipe out the Negative and Duplicate Keywords

Here the negative keywords that are affecting your chances of survival in the SEO game must be eliminated. Then you need to look closely as if there are duplicate keywords which can cause harm to your ads campaign, even a ban on it. You see Google and other search engines are particular about it and you need to go in alliance with the kinds of things around for sure reasons. Negative keywords affect the Quality Score (QS) of your PPC ads. Here sometimes duplicate keywords are necessary as when you are serving different geo-locations. Here might be a different service match that is really going to serve the purpose of search engine optimization.  

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