How to set up Default option of Google Ad words Campaign? New Ways to Learn for Better PPC Results

2 Comments PPC   (on 17-Dec-2015 05:35 AM)

How to set up Default option of Google Ad words Campaign? New Ways to Learn for Better PPC Results

The basic rule of Google ad words campaign is to be update and learn new ways to set up Google ad words campaign to get better results and leads. This is one of the best online paid traffic sources while there are many others such as search engine optimization and social media marketing. Are you supervision an online small business and would like to generate instant profit by online product advertising?

Many of the small businesses seem to be using Google ad words campaigns to boost their business exposure and generate more revenue. By managing ad words campaigns in professional ways you would be able to convert visitors into your potential customers. Ad words campaign is mind game, there are many steps that need to be taken and get desired results.

Patience: Ad words campaign do not a power switching game that just pop up instantly, it required dedication and little patience. The best way to handle a campaign is to get 20 related keywords with 2, 3 ads directing to same landing pages takes 3, 4 hours regularly to keep check and balance for generating more valuable results.

Variations: Be generic rather than broad perspective, select lots of similar keywords not key phrases with variations to run a single campaign. Choose relevant words that are closely related to your industry and might attract your buyers. Use keywords like “Google Ad words campaign” as compare to “hire Google ad words campaign set up experts” or   “Google ad words expert” instead of “hire Google campaign set up experts”.


Keep yourself on Top: To keep your ad on top will give you better opportunity to drive traffic towards landing pages. In most cases we have experienced, many of the advertisers don’t pay attention on title and description which is the more important area to force clicker to follow your ads. Give a strong reason by putting attractive call to action phrase into the description that force user to hit on your ad words’ ads.

Analysis: It is very important to make a good analysis of your PPC campaign after setting up, how it is working? Keep sharp eyes on CTR and CPC to determine which are can be modified to get extra boost of ads.

New advertisers and small businesses just set up marketing campaign they don’t pay any attention except increasing bids rate. I have experienced by analyzing many of the clients they just have a single or two campaigns, adding 4 – 5$ per click bids, complaining about not to producing valuable results from PPC campaign and wasting money rather than generating profit. There are many steps to be considered to setting up new campaign. By setting up new PPC campaign everyone must keep full concentration on Google ad words default options and customize them as per your campaign setting goals.


There are five ways to set up default option of Google ad words campaign for small business advertisers:


1. Go with “Search Network Only”

Initially, you need to go with “search network only” option when you are going to setting up a campaign with Google search network. I ever recommend changing this Google default option “search network with display select” which Google himself counsels to reach many customers. It’ll be harmful for new advertisers who have not much experience to utilize the opportunity of “search network with display select” and it would quickly suck up your PPC campaign budget.



2. Select “All Features”

Choosing “search network only” you would see the choice between Standard” and “All Features.” Google Ad Words defaults to “Standard.”


Standard vs All Features Setting.jpg

By selecting “Standard” you are limiting the ad options that are allowed in selecting “All features”. Find out how many features you are missing in the following image.

Ad Extensions.jpg

Google himself suggests that ad extensions play a role in ad ranking but why would they not making this “all features” a default option. It is some kind of joke.

3. Expand “Location Options (Advanced)”

By setting up PPC award campaign new marketer may know how to set up this option. Often seeing that this is an advance option they let it go without customization. It does not expanded option by Google while it should be.


Location Options Advanced.jpg

This option does not an “advance” setting while when you click on it you would see a broad approach by Google recommendation.

In expanded option, here is the default setting of “location options”.


Location Options Expanded.jpg

First option, that is recommended by Google, broadest the search queries. That might be harmful for small business but can be adjust if there are good enough PPC campaign budget. If you required customers just in targeted location so choose the option “people in my targeted location” that would stop the clicks from outside of your selected area.

By understanding the default Ad words setting it seem that there is enough chances to make your campaign broad while you want it to be targeted. Without expanding default setting of Ad words it might be possible you’ll waste your money.

4. Enlarge Ad Delivery: ad Rotation

For newbie PPC Marketer it would be essential to expand all the Google awards default setting and customize it according to your product advertising on this promotional plat form. This “Ad delivery: Ad rotation” option come into view like this.

Ad Delivery Option.jpg


In extended structure its view is like this.


Ad delivery expanded form 800x215.jpg

Again the first option “Optimize for clicks: Show ads expected to provide more clicks” is default and highly recommended by Google to choose it.

On the other hand, the last option, Rotate indefinitely, can be used in starting a campaign to efficiently experiment which source delivering clicks, actions, conversions, leads and good opportunities. Most experienced advertisers customizing to get profitable results as compare to the default setting.

5. Considerate Google’s “Search Partner” Option

To get deep understanding of this “search Partner” option in Ad words campaign is very important for newer advertisers. In default setting all the search partners is already included as shown below.

Google Search Network and Search Partners.jpg

Where to find the best source to get the best report about the Google search partner? Google itself doesn’t tell us what are the profitable partners for your Google ad words campaign setting. Anyways, these search partners wouldn’t harm your campaign but action can be taken according to the PPC ad words campaign’s objectives.  To get extra boost to your website, default option is the best while you can check or uncheck this option comprehensively.

To sum up the whole discussion I would say that it is very crucial to understand how to set up default option of Google ad words campaign and drive your desired results from PPC Ad words Campaign Setting. Hope this article will guide you not for broad perspective but it could give you efficient hints to manage a profitable PPC Google ad words setup that head to the right way of your online marketing campaign.

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Rizwan Rizwan   (on 17-Dec-2015 06:27 AM)
Thanks for sharing effective Key points for Google Adwords campaign.
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