12 Tips to Find Best Content Marketing Firm in 2020

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If you are a serious businessman looking to outsource content marketing in Pakistan or aboard, you must have been confused or overwhelmed with so many different options and digital marketing firms to choose from in 2020. In addition to high-quality digital marketing and content marketing firms operating in the marketplace, there is an abundant supply and existence of freelance content writers and auditors out there as well who possess a diverse range of skills and experience to help your content marketing shine. You can also use social media pages and other freelancing platforms to choose the best professional to improve your content marketing outcomes. What is the most important thing in your mind when you are deciding to choose a content writing or marketing service or a freelancer?

To analyze this question and how to choose a best content marketing firm in 2020, we offer you in-dept insights in this post to help find the right content writing and marketing service firm in Pakistan or aboard.

Decide your Criteria First

While analyzing the answered to the above questions, the first thing business owners should decide what sort of criteria they need to be fulfilled in order to hire the most suitable content marketing firm or freelancer. In this post, we are going to discuss exactly that. For example, this post will provide you the actionable tips that with help you to find the best firm that meet your diverse criteria. You must be wondering what you should look in content marketing service:

Choose a Content Marketing Firm that is Reliable

The point is straightforward here; the definition of the reliability must be clear to you first before deciding to choose the best digital marketing or content marketing firm. According to the best Pakistani digital marketing firm Elink Solutions, the director revealed that in his eyes, the definition of a reliable firm is as follows: the reliable firm should:

  • Have the skill and ability to meet strict deadlines
  • Have the skill to maintain a consistent quality of work or output for a long period of time
  • Being available 24/7 for ongoing and consistent communication

The above points described by the marketing director of Elink Solutions content marketing firm suggest that finding a reliable firm starts with some parameters or qualities firm should possess. A reliable firm must be able to meet strict deadlines and maintain a smooth and transparent communication system to help clients get through every detail they need throughout 24 hours.

But the big question is, how are you going to find are liable firm like this to meet your criteria above?

In order to find a most reliable content marketing firm in Pakistan, you must first identify who fits the description. Do the following things as recommended by the director of Elink Solutions, Pakistan.

  • Get the recommendations from someone you trust. In case, you know any peers or friends in the industry, ask them whether they know anything about the company or even have a past experience of working with that company. If the peers reveal a negative or bad experience working with that company, get them out of your list.
  • In addition to getting recommendations from your peers, consider hiring a well-established and oldest company in Pakistan for your content marketing and writing needs. This point is important because content marketing has strict procedures and the content needs to be delivered on time as expected by the customers. Therefore, hire only an oldest digital marketing firm such as SEO.COM.PK or Rizwan Zahid Digital Marketing Services.
  • The third tip is to look for the reviews on the Internet and other websites. Most often, some well known freelancing and content writing platforms have many reviews of the firms that offer content marketing services to clients. You can go through those reviews to get a good picture of what these companies have done in the past and how they have managed clients. In addition, you can also check out the testimonials and references before deciding to hire a content marketing firm in Pakistan.
  • Another thing you can watch for or be careful about is watch for delays or gaps in communication. Since communication is the most important part of the entire business success when it comes to hiring and working with a digital marketing content writing company, you must ensure that while negotiating the terms of your project with the digital marketing companies, look for gaps and delays in communication. For example, if a company’s representative or even owner takes more than 48 hours to respond to your queries and quotations, this may show that these people are not enough responsive or do not take business clients seriously.

The above points clearly define the criteria to determine the effectiveness of a reliable content marketing firm anywhere in the world. Now it is your job to take an action while keeping all these useful points in mind.

Writers must Understand Target Customers or Audiences

When you hire a content marketing service in Pakistan, the service should be all about writing the content blindly and do not focus on the assigned topics or goals. As a business owner looking to hire a best content marketing company, you must understand the following things first to ensure that the writing company possesses a good understanding and a skill to know your target customers.

The writers in the hired company must be able to understand:

  • Your marketing and business goals
  • Your target audience including their demographics
  • How can your service or product help the customers?
  • Your brand voice

Do you know if you hire a best writing and content marketing agency, they will do the first thing to dig deeper into your business and marketing clients and goals? Without the proper understanding of the customers, the goals of content marketing can never be achieved. This not only includes being familiar with the customers, but also with their demographics and key characteristics.

For example, a recent SEMRush blog states that a content writer must be able to adapt a tone and style to fit the needs of a brand. An effective and quality copywriter is the one who creates a copy that simply flows well and is easy to understand. This skill can really be hard to develop for the early bird content writers, but this skill must be honed with experience and hard work. After, it is content and only content that your audience is dying to read or listen to on your social websites and platforms.

Now the second big question arises how you can achieve this?

  • A great writer always takes notes of the questions that he or she needs to ask the client. You must hire the content writing service that is keen about asking questions related to any problems. Asking questions is good for all parties; if anything is left and not discussed, this means that there will always be loopholes in your delivered content and it won’t be tailored for the needs of your target audience.
  • The second tip to achieve that goal is to hire a content marketing professional or a firm that provides insights to you upfront and for each project assignment. This must include information about the audience you are targeting and how the blog posts appeals to their pain points.
  • The writers must be able to provide insights if they have them and should not hide them. The writers must be able to discuss the writing goals with clients easily that could include thought leadership, SEO traffic, or lead generation. They should be able to help you create content that appeals to the users at different stages of sales funnel. This is an important part of the puzzle.


There is a Need to Develop a High-Quality Content Consistently on their Part

While referencing to the quality of the content, there are some things participants must be able to see. A well-written content with strong grammar and spellings and no syntax errors is acceptable by the clients; otherwise creates a negative impression. Make sure that the content marketing company you hire must also be able to:

  • Produce interesting and engaging content
  • Content that has thorough information and detail
  • The content must be fresh, unique, plagiarism-free, and evergreen to help readers come back to your page again and again.
  • The content must be totally free of grammatical mistakes and human errors.

According to social media post of Digital Wire, “The essence of writing the content which engages, educates and leaves no stone unturned, it's tough but can be done.” Similarly, Rizwan Zahid, the director of Elink Solutions, Pakistan’s oldest content marketing and IT firm describes the high-quality content as authentic and approved by the experts.

Can you find these points or gems between the content delivered by the content marketing company you hired recently? If not, then let us further give you tips to achieve these goals.

A: Ask the Firm to Provide their Portfolio

The best method to assess the quality of content from a content marketing firm is to ask them to see the samples of their work. Ask them to provide you the portfolio or details about their writers and look for diverse sources on the Internet to find the company’s writing abilities. If the company has only writing experience of writing for one blog, then it may be heavily edited by a client. The company should be able to provide a strong body of work across multiple sites and that is a good indication of how serious they are in creating the content you demand.

B: Request a Trial Sample Content

It is a good way to find the content marketing and writing firm’s credibility by asking them to create a request piece of content. That will help you to judge their capabilities; however, if they have most experienced writers, they will also demand the payment for their sample task. You can decide to pay them or not according to your understanding of the firm.

C: Check Revision completed by Writers

Another good tip is to check the revisions completed by the content writers and make sure that they have worked on the revision comments seriously. Most non-serious content writing companies often ignore the large part of client’s instructions and clients pay the price for it. Ask them how many free revisions they can provide you and what limits are placed upon delivering revision. Also, the revisions must also be provided within 48 hours and not later.

Writers have Expertise in the Industry

The industry expertise can be defined by the following rules:

  • Judge the expertise of the writers by their portfolio and how much they have written in their own fields over the years.
  • Whether the writers have a hands-on experience in the niche or industry they are related to.
  • Whether the writers are able to understand the technical language within your industry and fully able to grasp an idea of your audience.
  • Whether the writers are able to search the market well and its trends.
  • How much SEO grip writers possess?

No matter how much you strive t improve your SEO, without the support of a good content, SEO efforts and useless. For example, a freelance writer from the United States, Alison Wolf states that I always know the topic well for my clients and develop much understanding of the topic and the knowledge. How can you achieve this goal? The following tips will help you to get the answer to that question.

A: Judge the Previous Work Samples of the Writing Company

The content writing service must be able to provide the previous sources or content pieces they have written. If someone has proven experience of the industry, that is a good start. Make sure that you go through their last samples and they must be strong in terms of content quality and overall usability. In other words, a strong content is able to demonstrate real knowledge.

B: Be Prepared to Invest More

If you are willing to find and hire an experience content writing firm, then you need to pay the best firm what they demand. Some top ranked firms in Pakistan provide businesses and individual’s high-quality writing services such as Elink Solutions, SEO.COM.PK, and I.T Height. These firms are able to deliver expert content writing and marketing services; however, you must be willing to pay them charges they deserve for their best quality work.

Strong SEO Content Writing Skills are Inevitable in2020

Without SEO understand and SEO content writing skills, the content marketing company cannot claim to deliver a thriving content. A best content marketing firm must be able to have a good understanding of the following:

  • A familiarity with the best SEO tools
  • An ability to conduct the strong keywords research
  • Must know how to optimize content for search engines using meta-tags and keywords

SEO writing best practices are the most important factors you must consider while judging the abilities of a SEO content writing firm. This shows that the writers who are going to write about your services are familiar with all vital elements of SEO writing and optimize the content accordingly. How can you work out this problem? Let us guide you in the next paragraphs!

A: Writers can use Specialized SEO Tools

You can get a sample blog written from the chosen SEO writing Service Company and use SEO writing assistant software online to check the SEO potential of the content. If the blog posts they have provided do not prove to be SEO optimized by the tool, you can ask them about it.

B: Content Marketing Firm must be Clear on what is meant by SEO Optimization

It is good for you to ask the writer straight how they can handle content optimization or do them have a strategy. This will allow you to assess their skills in a friendly manner. They must be able to demonstrate skills to include internal and external links into the content. An ability to use tools such as SEMRush or Moz can help to optimize SEO content. For each post, the writers must be able to prioritize the use of keywords.


The content writing providing companies in Pakistan offer content marketing services to a diverse number of clients. Look for a content marketing firm that proactively engages in researching and optimizing your content and is able to thoroughly research your clients and market. The content writing company must be able to use tools and languages perfectly to create an error-free content; before getting fed up and outsourcing your work to another writing company, find out as much about the company’s previous work and reputation in the market to ensure they deliver nothing short of the best content to help you thrive in the industry.


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